The Falls

Directed by Peter Greenaway

Release Year: 1980
Running time: 185
Country: U.K.
Language: English
$9.99 - Classroom Rights
MSRP: $29.99
$249.00 - With PPR (less than 50 people)
$349.00 - With PPR
$499.00 - With DSL
$499.00 - With DSL and PPR
MSRP: $599.00
Screening Request
Directed by: Peter Greenaway

Standing at a pivotal point in his filmography, poised between his earlier, witty shorts and the unique pleasures of his post-DRAUGHTSMAN'S CONTRACT oeuvre, THE FALLS is arguably the most significant film of Peter Greenaway’s prolific career. Shot as a pseudo-documentary, this magnum opus dazzlingly details 92 case histories of people who have been affected by the VUE (Violent Unknown Event)—a mysterious, apocalyptic phenomenon related to birds, flying, and bizarre invented languages.

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