The Listeners

Directed by

Release Year: 2016
Running time: 65
Country: U.S.
Language: English
Genres: Documentary
$149.00 - Face-to-Face Classroom
$349.00 - With PPR
$499.00 - With DSL
$599.00 - DVD with DSL + PPR
Screening Request

In Lawrence, Kansas, 11 young volunteers undergo some of the nation’s most rigorous training to become volunteer counselors in a suicide hotline call center at Headquarters, a crisis center since the early 70’s, and legendary for its level of commitment through volunteer counseling. Learning how to listen with empathy and without judging proves harder and more taxing than the volunteers imagined, and mastering the skills necessary to save lives becomes a quest that will change their own forever. In the face of America’s least-understood public health issue comes a stirring documentary about courage, service and personal sacrifice.

Endorsed by the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline


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