
Directed by Alison Chernick

Release Year: 2017
Running time: 82
Country: U.S.
Language: English
Subjects: Music, K-12
$79.00 - K-12 PPR
$17.97 - Classroom Rights
MSRP: $29.95
$299.00 - With PPR
$499.00 - With DSL
$499.00 - With DSL and PPR
MSRP: $599.00
Directed by: Alison Chernick

From Schubert to Strauss, Bach to Brahms, Mozart to...Billy Joel, Itzhak Perlman’s violin playing transcends mere performance to evoke the celebrations and struggles of real life; “praying with the violin,” says renowned Tel Aviv violinmaker Amnon Weinstein. Alison Chernick’s enchanting documentary Itzhak looks beyond the sublime musician, to see the polio survivor whose parents emigrated from Poland to Israel, the young man who struggled to be taken seriously as a music student when schools saw only his disability. As charming and entrancing as the famous violinist himself, Itzhak is a portrait of musical virtuosity seamlessly enclosed in warmth, humor, and above all, love.

A Greenwich Entertainment Release


"A love story on so many levels - Perlman's love of music, of the violin, of life itself!"

- Ray Rogers, The Hollywood Reporter

"A musical masterpiece. Captures, the life, work and heritage of world-famous violinist Itzhak Perlman."

- Vicki Leopold, Atlanta Jewish Times

"Briskly entertaining."

- Dennis Harvey, Variety

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